Die News
Her you can get the latest News about Midas Factory. For further Information please subscribe the newsletter.
Concert in Cologne !!!

We play as support for "The Essence" at the Blue Shell in Cologne.
Blue Shell
50674 Cologne
Luxenburger Str. 32
Start: 20 Uhr
Tickets: 12,- €
Telefon: 0221 - 23 12 48
We're looking forward to see you all.
Old Things from a different point of view !!!

While cleaning our harddiscs we found some old photos of our gigs and sessions.

25.06.2005 Köln, ArtFactory
15.07.2006 Köln, Cover Photosession
05/09 - 09/09 Köln, Melodious Monk Studios (neu)
28.08.2009 Köln, Cover Photosession

Have fun!
Concert cancelled !!!

Our Gig as support for "Charles de Goal" at the Kulturbunker in Cologne is cancelled.
Concert in Cologne !!!

We play as support for "Charles de Goal" at the Kulturbunker in Cologne.
51063 Cologne
Berliner Str. 20
Start 21 Uhr
Tickets: 13,50/17,- €
We're looking forward to see you all.
New Song !!!

We've come up with a new song (A Glaring Beam Of Green) as a Pre-Mastering Mix. Enjoy it. zum Download
Thank you !!!

First of all we want to thank all of you who were part of our gig at the MTC on october the 1st. It was a fantastic evening with a incredible audience.

We also come up with the pohotos of our Barinton Gig. Photos

Concert in Cologne !!!

We're back on the road

We play the Club "Barinton" at the 1st of October together with the Cologne Band "Killing Suzy"
50825 Köln
Grüner Weg 2
Start 20 Uhr
Tickets: 5,- €

We' re looking forward to a cool evening and hope to msee many of you. We also come up with a new Lyric. to the Lyrics
Happy new year !!!

We've come up with our own "YouTube Channel". There you can find some clips from gigs over the past few years. to YouTube

We' ve also start our "Facebook Profile". to Facebook

Our last CD "Within A Lifetime" we placed on "bandcamp.com". to bandcamp.com
Video, Photos and Reviews

Seven songs of our gig at the "Drucklufthaus" you can find on "youtube".

Here you can find some photos of our Gig at the "Drucklufthaus": zu den Photos

We also received two reviews of our nes CD "Within A Lifetime" erhalten. Review
Next Concert

Our netx Concert will take place at "Retroactivity Party" on Friday the 20th of August 2010. We will play together with the guys from Tonlos.

Am Förderturm 27
46049 Oberhausen
Beginn 20 Uhr
Eintritt: 6,- € anschl. Party
Review "Within A Lifetime"

We've received a review of our CD "Within A Lifetime". Review
Photos MTC 2010

First of all we want to thank all of you who were part of our gig at the MTC on march the 26th. It was a fantastic evening with a incredible audience.

We also come up with the pohotos of our Bronx Gig. Photos


We can announce our next concert. It will take Place at the MTC in Cologne. We will play together with the guys from Lotus Feed.
Zülpicher Str. 10
50677 Cologne
Start: 20 Uhr
Tickets: 7,- €

We also try to place our CD in several Onlineshops.

Now the time has come, our new CD "Within A Lifetime" is out now! And once again it took a little bit longer. We certainly hope that it will take your encouragement

Lefthandside you'll find a link to a small microsite (activate Java). Here you will find everything worth knowing, especially how you can order "Within A Lifetime".

The cover you can watch it here. to the Cover
The past months we have been working on our new CD "Within A Lifetime". We hope that it will be ready in November.

In advance we come up with some photos of the recordings. to the Photos

We´ve also come up with some new Lyrics to the Photos
Martina Peitz has also written a rewiew of our gig at the MTC. to the Review
One week has passed, since we played our Gig at the MTC and we want to thanks all of you that have found their way to the MTC. A very special "Thanks" goes to the guys of Exogen and Lotus Feed.

We have also come up with the photos of our Gig. to the Photos

More photos of our gig, phographed by Martina Peitz can be found right here. to the Photos
We can announce our next concert. It will take Place at the MTC in Cologne. We will play together with the guys from Exogen and Lotus Feed.
Zülpicher Str. 10
50677 Cologne
Start: 20 Uhr
Tickets: 7,- €
Melodic Monk has finished a first rough mix for a song of the forthcoming CD. He also finished a Video for this song. You find it on YouTube or as a link in our Download Area.
January 2009
Yo, all the best for the new year.

There is not much to report at the moment. We are still working on the recordings for the next CD and hope we will be ready about summertime.